Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Windows 7 Black Border/Frame Around Screen

I installed a new PC for someone at work. It was originally using DVI but his monitor connection was HDMI.

It put a strange black border around the screen. In times gone by (CRT days), one would simply expand the screen to fit!

Anyway, to fix it I went to Catalyst Control Center (this seems to happen a lot with ATI cards), flat panel properties and changed the scanning to 0% as by default there is what is "underscan" by up to 15%.

Just modify the slider and you are good to go and no more black border/frame around the screen.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Windows Boot Manager Shows Windows Twice - Lists Windows 7 Twice

I re-installed Windows 7 to a partition (formated it first) and when it booted up after install, it had a choice of 2 Windows 7 operating systems in the boot loader!

Windows Boot Manager Shows Windows Twice - Lists Windows 7 Twice

The solution is to go into msconfig and then the Boot tab and then delete the entry you don't need. But actually, as soon as I went there, I saw only one install of Windows 7 and nothing for me to do.

So I rebooted and all was well, no more choices. It fixed itself.

But if you ever have this problem you now know where to go!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Active Directory Group Members Export List

Active Directory Group Members Export List

I used this command:

net group GroupName /domain > textfile.txt

Unfortunately the format is awful so I had to do some manual manipulation in Excel.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Citrix Error 2320

You might get this error 2320 when installing/uninstalling/reinstalling different versions of the Citrix web/xenapp client.

It's because Citrix leaves behind registry entries under HKLM_CURRENT_USER. Just delete the Citrix hive in the registry you see there. You will have to do this for each user who wants to use Citrix.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

Dell Brightness Control Not Working - Dell Brightness Not Changing

Dell Brightness Control Not Working - Dell Brightness Not Changing

If you have this problem and the other function keys are working e.g. volume, mute and the panel passes the diagnostic test (F12 and boot to diagnostics) then it is your graphics card driver that is the problem i.e. you haven't installed it yet or you need to reinstall it.

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